Posts Tagged ‘Varsity Ridge Bowling’

  • Bowling at Varsity Ridge

    Date: 2011.01.20 | Category: Day Dates, Indoor Dates, Inexpensive dates, Night Dates, Ongoing, Uncategorized, Vancouver area | Response: 0

    bowling shoes

    The cool thing about doing this blog is that we are forced to try things we have never done before or have not done in a long time.  This past date night was no exception.  Pete suggested that we go bowling.  To be honest, I hadn’t bowled since Gym 7 when I picked bowling as my sport since it was the only one that didn’t involve running.   (I still managed to only get a C+.  Sports are really not my thing.)

    I didn’t know where one would go to bowl in modern times – thank goodness for the internet.  A quick search for bowling in Vancouver gave us a few options.  We chose the bowling alley at Varsity Ridge because it was close to home.  I often drive by the Ridge Theatre complex on 16th and Arbutus Street but didn’t realize there was a bowling alley there (it is actually on west 15th – look for the big white bowling pin). 

    bowling ballsWhen we entered the premises, it was like stepping back in time…in a really cool way.  Everything looked very vintage.  The ceilings were low, the carpet was dark blue with bowling pins on it and yes, there was wood panelling on the walls.  It was like bowling in your parents’ basement.  We rented our shoes (yes, they were disinfected and yes, I still brought an extra pair of socks) and were given lucky lane 13. 

    There are two sides to the bowling alley at the Varsity – the side with lucky lane 13 can be turned into a glow in the dark bowling alley at certain times.  The cost to bowl was very cheap – $5 per person per game.  Our shoe rental was $2.25.  We grabbed a beer as well (Varsity is licenced) but their food options are limited.  It would probably be a good idea to make a reservation for a date night because I am guessing it could geconsolet busy at peak times.

    I couldn’t really remember how to bowl but since everything is automated – the machines keep score for you and tell you when to throw the ball – it is really easy.  Essentially, you just throw the ball down the lane and hope 1) it hits some pins 2) it doesn’t fly out of the lane and hit something else.  

    The vibe was fun.  There was a great mix of people – from seniors, to hipsters to young families.  Everyone was cheering with lots of good natured banter.  Since it was Pete’s first time bowling, it is no surprise that my score was much higher than his – mine was 144 and his was 61. Not that I am keeping track.  Or rubbing it in his face.  Or taking a picture of it and posting it on a public blog.  But it is probably the only sporting event where very unathletic me could beat super athletic Pete.  Ha!  Yes. We will bowl again soon.  Loved it. 

    Click here for info on Varsity Ridge bowling 

    Click here for the rules of 5 pin bowling

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